Monday, February 23, 2015

Marketing Benefits of Shrink Sleeve Labeling

Effective marketing is what sells your product.  From small business to large corporations, millions of dollars is spent on marketing your company’s product to consumers.  One of the most successful ways a company can do this is through their company’s label.  Attaching pieces of your marketing plan directly to your product using shrink sleeve labels is a popular option today.

Shrink sleeves are a popular type of labeling option is because it offers a three hundred and sixty degree space to market your product.  This is three hundred and sixty degrees of space to design, print and place valuable product information.  The benefits that are had with shrink sleeve marketing is part of the reason you see soda bottles, laundry detergent, shampoos and more using this popular technology for labeling. 

If you are looking for a label option that will fit over any product no matter the shape or size, shrink sleeves is your best choice.  Literally any shape, even princess shaped bubble bath can be covered using shrink sleeve labels.  Finding a quality manufacturer to create your label is important as well.  You want to make sure that the label when applied fits properly and that quality graphics are used to create the design.  The quality of your label will vary a great deal between vendors so choose wisely.

Another benefit that shrink sleeves offer to both producers and consumers is that it is environmentally friendly.  You will find that often shrink sleeves are partially made from recyclable materials and are recyclable themselves.

The color of the container is not important with shrink sleeves.  Whether you choose to use a colored bottle and a clear shrink sleeve or a clear bottle and colored shrink sleeve the contents of the product will be visible. 

If your company or brand offers contests or likes to give away free samples with their products shrink sleeves are a widely used option.  The material used in shrink sleeves make it easy for the label to be tore off and turned in for a prize or discount.  Free samples are easily enclosed within the packaging because of the flexibility and stretch of the materials used.

One of the best benefits for producers and consumers is the cost savings.  It allows producers to offer their products at a lower cost, saving consumers money, while maintaining the level of profits needed to continue offering a successful product line.  Shrink sleeves have so many benefits over other options in labeling.  They offer protection, cost savings and a lot of room to market the benefits of your company’s products. 

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your label design, printing and packaging needs.

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