Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Use Shrink Sleeve Labeling To Attract Customers

Shrink sleeve labeling is a marketing tactic that many product manufactures have already turned to.  When walking into any grocery store you will see how prominent shrink sleeve labeling is with a number of different products. Take note the next time you go into a store; check out the variety of products that use shrink sleeve labeling.

The trend of shrink sleeves has become such a popular option in marketing because of the many benefits it provides to both marketers and consumers.

One of the most obvious benefits that come with shrink sleeve labeling is the ability for it to take on the same shape as any product.  Irregularly shaped products are easily labeled with shrink sleeve.  They take away the headaches that are encountered with packaging, shipping and of course labeling.  Greater efficiency comes along with the use of shrink sleeves.

Another major benefit of shrink sleeves is that they are tamper proof.  Shrink sleeves cover the entire product.  The sleeve conforms to the shape or the product and is designed to cover the entire product.  This is so important when it comes to the beverage and pharmaceutical industries but of course applies across the board.

Shrink sleeve labeling offers one hundred percent visibility.  This is unheard of in standard labeling in which only the front of the label is used for marketing.  The sides and back portion often are left for ingredient lists, UPC labels and other product information that is not necessarily important in the marketing of your product.  With shrink sleeve labeling important details and marketing information can be seen from all angels because of the three hundred and sixty degree radius shrink sleeve marketing offers products.

A great deal of variety is available when it comes to the versatility the shrink sleeves offer in labeling.   Shrink sleeves can be designed with a variety of affects including metallic, pearlescent and thematic to create a variety of effects on the labels that are printed for you.  Your ideas will not be difficult to manufacture when you use shrink sleeve labeling.

Another benefit that comes with shrink sleeves is how affordable they are in comparison to the benefits derived from labeling.  Shrink sleeves offer increased visibility using only a thin sheet of plastic film.

Labeling that uses the option of shrink sleeves will guarantee you a numerous number of advantages over other types of labeling.  Increased marketing, along with numerous other benefits make the advantages of shrink sleeve labeling a clear choice.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

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